Rare cancers affect fewer than 1 in 100,000 people each year. There are 198 different types of rare cancer, but only a small number of people are diagnosed with each type.
But again, these types of cancers may be rare, but we’ve got to take care. One in a million means it’s possible, and that one needs to count.
This campaign is aimed to educate people about rare cancers. It’s important to spread awareness around Rare Cancers since not much is being spoken about it and these cancers do matter. Even though these cancers affect only a few people, those few matter.
Christmas is not only a time that is filled with much celebration and activity, but also a time we most deeply feel the significance of family in our lives. Although we believe that God’s call to care for widows and orphans is something that should be woven into our everyday lives
We celebrated Christmas in India by giving presents to all the children in the orphanage including some special kids who aren’t living with their parents and couldn’t express in words our feelings and just want to thank you all for making this easy for us.

“Take Better Decisions” Cancer Months
Many cancer survivors reaching out to us explain how they are ashamed of their scars and how losing their hair had been tough for them. From our point of view, they are one of the bravest people on Earth and we continue to remind them that they are warriors, not victims.
We provide a platform for them to express their stories.